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"This carries us back to the time of the building of our old home, now more than fifty-five years ago; though only a lad we remember the time the trees were being felled in the forest, and after a long wait for the timbers to be squared, they were hauled to the building site, and, after a time for them to season, the carpenters came and, as though but yesterday, we see them under the old apple trees astride the timbers with auger, chisel and mallet working away from morn till night... Those were days of toil, days of contentment and peace."

- Radford: Audels Carpenters and Builders Guide, 1923



    I received a Bachelors in Fine Arts concentrating in furniture and woodworking from Kutztown University. After graduating, I began my apprenticeship with Gary Long traveling different places to build log homes, learning and developing my craft. Through Gary, I met, and worked with three other highly skilled artisans: Alan Logan, Tim Gott, & Lenny Rizzo. I worked with these men for 4 years collectively. After my apprenticeship, I started a job with a high-end timber frame shop in South Eastern Pennsylvania for 2 years. During this time, I spent my weekends building a few small cabins on the side. During one of these projects, I was fortunate to work with an expert in the historic building and restoration field, Jim Huston. Since then I have mainly been working on my own, and with a couple of my mentors.


    I continue to hone my skills working with these craftsmen. In addition, I perfect my own style as I build with a passion for excellence.


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